Hello Hans.I'm sorry for what happened the last time…

But I’m getting better at this!I’ll make sure no one gets in any danger this time!

I can hear them calling your name.From a realm far far away…

You’ll help them, won’t you?

You’ll help them, won’t you?

I mean, that’s just who you are after all…right Hans?

Oh! Oh! Never thought this would happen, but… How wonderful!!

Tee hee... Ahem!



Knock* Knock*

Is anyone in there? Please say something! Anything...!

Oh no… I don’t suppose they’ve summoned the wrong person, have they?

Well, umm.... Do you know of anyone by the name of Haile?

About my height, blue hair, swirly squiggles on her face, and piercing blue eyes so cold they could freeze your very soul...?

You do? Oh thank goodness!

I thought you lost your wits somewhere!

Listen, Chieftain Avani is expecting you! And...uh…

Oh! She has a task for you, before you meet her at the village!

Who is she? She’s like big sister to Haile and me!

Anyway, I’m on a… mission? Yes! A very important mission!

I must… err… deliver a package?

Yes! I must deliver a package!

What’s the package… and where to?

Oh... uh…

Oh! That, I cannot say! The top secretest of secret missions this is! And I mustn’t tell a single soul!


Hang on! I have not told you anything, so it’s still a secret!

As for your mission, you must… hunt a few monsters?

That’s right! Hunt a few monsters!

They’re big and dangerous and… umm… too close to the village!

Hunt them down before reporting back to Avani!

And now, I must continue on my secret mission!

Hmm? What Name?

Oh! My name?

Hahaha! I...I have not introduced myself yet, have I?

I’m Ezra! Nice to meet you...uhh…

Hahaha... Erm... Haile told me your name, I swear!

Hmmm… Oh! I remember now!

Hans! Right?

Nice to meet you Hans!

Now, keep in mind that we were both entrusted with really important missions, and failure is ab-so-lute-ly unacceptable!

So do your best, and I’ll see you soon comrade!